Banburyshire Advice

Citizen Project

Case Studies
Case Studies of how we have helped our clients.
Pseudonyms have been used.
Gill's mother had become increasingly ill with Vascular Dementia and her care needs were increasing.
Gill had heard there may be benefits her mother may be entitled too but was not sure how to go about it. Gill had been talking to a friend and she told them about Banburyshire Advice Centre. Gill subsequently contacted us. Gills mother was too ill to come to one of our venues to fill in an Attendance Allowance, so we arranged a home visit with the Pension Service. Gill's mother susbsequently got the Attendance Allowance is now using it to pay for carers and enrichment activities.
Roger had been suffering from mental health issues, so much so that he was unable to continue to work. The pressure of work got too much and he eventually ended up with a breakdown. Having no money coming he came to us and we helped fill in the forms. Roger's claim for Employment and Support Allowance was successful.
Jane was finding her job less enjoyable and was in a rut. Jane was told about our Career Counselling services and using our dedicated software we was able to explore career options. Jane subsequently enrolled on a course and made steps to enter the new profession she aspired.
We're a registered charity in England (no. 1170519)